Introducing the Latest License for Mobile Tyre Technicians by NTDA

The NTDA (National Tyre Distributors Association) has introduced a new licence specifically designed for mobile tyre technicians who work on car and light vehicle tyres.

This move comes after the NTDA observed a significant rise in the number of mobile tyre fitting operations seeking membership in the association. In the past year alone, six new members have joined, exclusively or primarily focusing on mobile services, and several more inquiries from such companies are underway.

Recognizing the growing demand for mobile tyre services and the need for trained and competent technicians, the NTDA has responded by launching the REACT-compliant Licensed Mobile Tyre Technician card as an addition to their existing Tyre Technician Professional Development Scheme (TTPDS). This new licence aims to provide customers with the convenience of mobile tyre assistance while ensuring the technicians are appropriately trained.

Before proceeding with this initiative, the NTDA consulted their approved training providers to gather feedback and determine if suitable training programs could be integrated into the new licence. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with most training providers expressing support for the introduction of the licence and confirming their ability to offer relevant courses to support the scheme.

The content of the training courses leading to the new licence aligns with occupational standards and covers essential topics such as tyre history and construction, sidewall markings and labelling, car and light vehicle wheels, tyre pressure monitoring systems, customer care, health and safety regulations, mobile tyre fitting and balancing, minor tyre repairs, roadside wheel changing procedures, and more.

Stefan Hay, Chief Executive of the NTDA, emphasized the broad and diverse membership base of the association, including various tire-related businesses such as retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and mobile service providers. He emphasized the importance of representing the interests of members and supporting the professional development of their employees, particularly in the face of a significant skills shortage within the industry. Hay expressed hope that the new licence would be well-received by the industry, similar to the existing licensing schemes, and that the mobile tyre fitting membership would continue to expand.

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